Urgrow Basecamp
Bio-Ernte das ganze Jahr über.
Industrial Design unterstützt von Formfjord
Wir haben urgrow auf den letzten Metern der Entwicklung des Basecamps unterstützt und hatten damit die einmalige Gelegenheit den ersten smarten und nachhaltigen Indoor-Garten mitzugestalten.
Das Basecamp ist perfekt für Wohnungen in der Stadt, ohne Garten oder Balkon und ermöglicht Dir kontinuierlich hochwertige Pflanzen zu ernten und frisch zu verarbeiten – so bekommst Du echte Frische auf deinen Teller, und das in Bio-Qualität!
Besonders spannend an Urgrow ist der eigens entwickelte
biologische Nährboden BrightSoil® . Es kommt ursprüngliches Saatgut und nachhaltiges, recyclebares Material zum Einsatz. Keine Chemie, alles Bio.
Industrial Design supported by Formfjord
We supported urgrow on the last meters of product development of their basecamp and thus had the unique opportunity to design the first smart and sustainable indoor garden.
Basecamp is perfect for appartments in the city lacking balconies or gardens and enables you to continuously harvest and enjoy fresh produce of highest bio quality.
The most exciting part of urgrow is their enigineered fully biological culture medium BrightSoil® . Urgrow deploys only natural seeds and sustainable recycled materials. No chemicals, all bio.
Selected Works
Energy transition made easy.Industrial Design / Engineering / Package Design
Sunset tablet mountIndustrial Design
Control, metering and billing of flexible assetsIndustrial Design, Engineering
Digital access hubIndustrial Design
Smarter concreteIndustrial Design
Tonic ProjectIndustrial Design
Tonic NCSIndustrial Design
The smart fall sensor.Industrial Design
Making EV-charging ubiquitous.Industrial Design, Engineering
Easy antigen testing.Industrial Design
Minimizing the effort for DNA/RNA testing.Industrial Design
Next generation smart sensor.Industrial Design
Superhuman connected devices.Industrial Design, Engineering
Minimalist, Intelligent air monitoring.Industrial Design / UX / UI
Body temperature check - safe entry.Industrial Design / UX / UI
Minimal form, mild light.Industrial Design, Engineering
High-End lighting solution.Industrial Design
Lighten up.Industrial Design, Engineering
Open sesame.Industrial Design, Engineering
Pivotal concept.Industrial Design, Engineering
Gesture controlled racing.Industrial Design, Engineering
Central to the room.Industrial Design, Engineering
Smart meter to go.Industrial Design, Engineering
Award winning simplicity with a texture.Industrial Design, Engineering
Robo on the spot.Industrial Design, Engineering
Bicycle locking reinvented.Industrial Design, Engineering
Inside the box WLAN Router.Industrial Design, Engineering
Welcoming warm.Industrial Design, Engineering
Sensorik 4.0Industrial Design, Engineering
Woven into the fabric of everyday life.Industrial Design, Engineering
Makes the living room a wonderful place.Industrial Design, Engineering
Home-office in full control.Industrial Design, Engineering
Tool-less magic in the making.Industrial Design, Engineering
Ambient assisted life - award winning.Industrial Design, Engineering
Cast iron meets candle light.Industrial Design, Engineering
Consumer electronics - users delight.Industrial Design, Engineering
Trivet, Stack it, nest it.Industrial Design, Engineering
Formfjord / Fabian Baumann
Westhofener Weg 5
14129 Berlin
+ 49 (0)179 70 10 633
Formfjord 2023