Central Pendelleuchte, Serien Lighting
Klassischer Look, modernste Technik
– Concept Design
– Industrial Design
– Color Material and Finish
– Creative Direction
Als Pendelleuchte ist Central für vielfältige Einrichtungssituationen geeignet. Der Leuchtenschirm lässt sich komfortabel und ohne den Gebrauch von Werkzeugen in der Höhe verstellen. Wie die Bodenversion von Central verfügt auch der Aluminiumschirm der Pendelleuchte über den charakteristischen Abblendring.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Sönke Hoof für www.serien.com
Central suspension lamp – classic look, latest technology
The pendant variant of the central lamp features highly functional toolless height adjustment on the shade. Central floor and central pendant share the iconic circular light seam on the aluminum lampshade.
Together with Sönke Hoof for www.serien.com
Central – Neuinterpretation der klassischen Bogenleuchte
Als Neuinterpretation der klassischen Bogenleuchte zeigt Central Charakter und Flexibilität. Mit einer Maximalgröße von zwei Metern ist sie ein echter Blickfang, bleibt dabei jedoch leicht in der Formgebung. Das mühelos verstellbare filigrane Edelstahlrohr erlaubt flexiblen Einsatz – ob über dem Couchtisch oder als Esstischleuchte.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Sönke Hoof für www.serien.com
Central Floor – new inperpretation of the classic gooseneck lamp
Central floor lamp for is a new interpretation of the classic gooseneck lamp. The delicate highly adjustable arm offers maximum functionality and flexibility and is a true eye-catcher. Central Floor can be adapted to various spacial situations over the coffee table or the dinner table.
Together with Sönke Hoof for www.serien.com
Fotos: Farideh Fotografie, Ingmar Kurth, Christoph Lison
Selected Works
Energy transition made easy.Industrial Design / Engineering / Package Design
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Tonic NCSIndustrial Design
The smart fall sensor.Industrial Design
Making EV-charging ubiquitous.Industrial Design, Engineering
Easy antigen testing.Industrial Design
Minimizing the effort for DNA/RNA testing.Industrial Design
Next generation smart sensor.Industrial Design
Superhuman connected devices.Industrial Design, Engineering
Reinventing home gardening.Industrial Design
Minimalist, Intelligent air monitoring.Industrial Design / UX / UI
Body temperature check - safe entry.Industrial Design / UX / UI
Minimal form, mild light.Industrial Design, Engineering
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Open sesame.Industrial Design, Engineering
Pivotal concept.Industrial Design, Engineering
Gesture controlled racing.Industrial Design, Engineering
Smart meter to go.Industrial Design, Engineering
Award winning simplicity with a texture.Industrial Design, Engineering
Robo on the spot.Industrial Design, Engineering
Bicycle locking reinvented.Industrial Design, Engineering
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Woven into the fabric of everyday life.Industrial Design, Engineering
Makes the living room a wonderful place.Industrial Design, Engineering
Home-office in full control.Industrial Design, Engineering
Tool-less magic in the making.Industrial Design, Engineering
Ambient assisted life - award winning.Industrial Design, Engineering
Cast iron meets candle light.Industrial Design, Engineering
Consumer electronics - users delight.Industrial Design, Engineering
Trivet, Stack it, nest it.Industrial Design, Engineering
Formfjord / Fabian Baumann
Westhofener Weg 5
14129 Berlin
+ 49 (0)179 70 10 633
Formfjord 2023